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Topic: Cacko
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   Minimo and Thunderbird for pdaXrom
Posted by Laze on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 10:14 AM (5882 Reads)
Cacko Today Minimo 0.1 and Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6
was compiled and released for the Sharp Zaurus series running the pdaXrom (mirror site) - these two new releases makes the Zaurus series one of the most powerfull pda's around. The Minimo browser is really fast and Thunderbird gives you a full-fledged e-mail (pop3 and IMAP) client right there in your hand (not palm), although Thunderbird is a bit slow on starting up. All you need is a net connection (wireless or fixed) and pdaXrom.

And speaking of neat little tools for your Zaurus and its wireless card, Kismet has
also been released - it makes a nice addition to your Zaurus when your are out on the road or just "walking" around in the neighborhood looking for security holes so you can report them ;-)

A quick FAQ on how to setup and use Kismet on your Zaurus can be found here or here.
The programs(ipk feed) and screenshots are located here (mirror).

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   pdaXrom 1.0.5 released
Posted by Laze on Wednesday, April 07, 2004 - 08:00 AM (2994 Reads)
Cacko The new pdaXrom 1.0.5 has just been released, among its new features are hardware On/Off button problems fixed, better support for WIFI cards, hardware Mouse button control, menu button can now be used to switch between mouse buttons, "On-the-fly" screen rotation and lots of bugfixes and updates.

At the same time the first SDK has been released together with the SDK installation guide and the SDK tutorial - The SDK can be found in the SDK downloads section

Visit the www.pdaXrom.org website for more information.

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   pdaXrom 1.0.0 is out..
Posted by Laze on Monday, March 08, 2004 - 07:34 AM (7052 Reads)
Cacko The latest pdaXrom ROM is out now in version 1.0.0 and the following things have been added/fixed:
  • hostapp wifi drivers
  • simple Look & Feel utility
  • xcardinfo utility
  • fixed problem with time resetting after suspend
  • fixed problem in battery applet
  • preinstalled sd drivers

Find it at www.pdaxrom.org

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   FireFox for pdaXrom
Posted by Laze on Sunday, February 29, 2004 - 12:51 PM (3393 Reads)
Cacko Mozilla Firefox was compiled for pdaXrom. The IPK is available from site feed. For installation you will need about 25 MB free space on storage. C700 users will need also turn swap file. For even better performance overclock Z for 471 Mhz. This is the first om many upcomming new programs and soon the website will also get and overhaul and the documentations parts will be updated/written.

Postnote: A forum thread to instruct on safe overclocking (for ALL Cxx0 ROMs) can be found here.

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   Cacko/X11 mirror site
Posted by Laze on Sunday, January 04, 2004 - 10:33 AM (3812 Reads)
Cacko The Cacko team is proud to present a mirror site in cooperation with Zaurus User Group, the site should be a lot faster and has a couple of new features not yet implemented on the main site, at cacko.biz

The site will be in a test phase for an unknown period time until we are certain that everything is working 100% ok ? hope you will use it and test if for us and give us feedback. Site/web feedback can be sent to

The new site can be found at cacko.zaurususergroup.com

Btw. we have a couple of new features on the way for the X11 ROM we hope that a lot of people will appreciate.

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