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Cacko/X11 mirror site
Posted on Jan 04, 2004 - 10:33 AM by Laze Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
CackoThe Cacko team is proud to present a mirror site in cooperation with Zaurus User Group, the site should be a lot faster and has a couple of new features not yet implemented on the main site, at cacko.biz

The site will be in a test phase for an unknown period time until we are certain that everything is working 100% ok ? hope you will use it and test if for us and give us feedback. Site/web feedback can be sent to

The new site can be found at cacko.zaurususergroup.com

Btw. we have a couple of new features on the way for the X11 ROM we hope that a lot of people will appreciate.

Related links
· pdaXrom.org
· More about Cacko
· News by Laze

Most-read story in Cacko:
pdaXrom 1.0.0 is out..

Cacko/X11 mirror site | Log-in or register a new user account | 1 Comment
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Re: Cacko/X11 mirror site (Score: 1)
by molten2 on Feb 04, 2004 - 12:53 PM

(User information | Send a message) http://www.adamantio.net
Wonderfull, It' a very good idea make a mirror.
The original site have a very small bandwidth.