Today Minimo 0.1 [1] and Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 [2]
was compiled and released for the Sharp Zaurus series running the pdaXrom [3] (mirror site [4]) - these two new releases makes the Zaurus series one of the most powerfull pda's around. The Minimo browser is really fast and Thunderbird gives you a full-fledged e-mail (pop3 and IMAP) client right there in your hand (not palm), although Thunderbird is a bit slow on starting up. All you need is a net connection (wireless or fixed) and pdaXrom.
And speaking of neat little tools for your Zaurus and its wireless card, Kismet [5] has
also been released - it makes a nice addition to your Zaurus when your are out on the road or just "walking" around in the neighborhood looking for security holes so you can report them ;-)
A quick FAQ on how to setup and use Kismet on your Zaurus can be found here [6] or here [7].
The programs(ipk feed) and screenshots are located here [8] (mirror [9]).