Topic: ZUG Chat Rooms
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Posted by offroadgeek on Saturday, January 31, 2004 - 12:03 AM (1770 Reads) |
Well, we finally got around to setting up a mailman server, so we can now host our own mailing lists!
I saw this as another step to ensure our independance from Sharp, and just another resource for the ZUG to provide to our thriving community.
There are two lists already created:
zug-general: This general discussion list is great for anyone to chat about anything Zaurus. You don't need to be an expert programmer to subscribe. Feel free to jump in and ask anything. We welcome newbies!
zug-developer: This more technical discussion list is for the developers at heart. Now, there aren't any credential's check, so anyone can subscribe to this list, but it is reserved for discussion that are more on the technical side. Please refrain from asking newbie questions in this list.
You can subscribe to either of these lists by clicking on their respective names in the ZUG Menu, under Zaurus Resources (at the left).
Posted by Foxdie on Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 01:19 PM (3010 Reads) |
Just a quick message from myself and the rest of the ZUG team, Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.
Not many years ago, Christmas eve was serene,
The snow had fallen, the kids cried "cor blimey",
Eve gave way to day, and Santa had been,
He left by my side a Zaurus so shiney.
The sexiest thing that I could behold,
yet many questions left me in despair,
Google's result, a site for shy and for bold,
The Zaurus User Group, will always be there.
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Posted by Foxdie on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 - 06:38 AM (1893 Reads) |
A new forum has been created for those wishing to buy and sell Zaurus-related items. To use this section of the forum, you must be registered with the Zaurus User Group (which you can do for free with the menu system).
You can access the forum HERE
You can find the rules for posting HERE
Posted by offroadgeek on Sunday, June 08, 2003 - 07:05 PM (2248 Reads) |
We've added another great feature to ZaurusUserGroup.com!
You can now chat with other zaurus users in real time, or have an online ZUG meeting.
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