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New feature added - Chat rooms!
Posted on Jun 08, 2003 - 07:05 PM by offroadgeek Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
ZUG Chat RoomsWe've added another great feature to ZaurusUserGroup.com!

You can now chat with other zaurus users in real time, or have an online ZUG meeting.

If you'd like to setup an online meeting for your ZUG, please email any of the site admins (offroadgeek, tapjpa, stmpynode, loom001) to create your own private chat room!

Related links
· More about ZUG Chat Rooms
· News by offroadgeek

Most-read story in ZUG Chat Rooms:
Tis' the season..

New feature added - Chat rooms! | Log-in or register a new user account | 1 Comment
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Re: sl-c750 (Score: 1)
by rcm on Dec 24, 2003 - 01:38 PM

(User information | Send a message)
just got one; wow, it is super!