Have you recently purchased a C7x0 Zaurus, and you've already purchased apps from theKompany for your 5x00 Zaurus? Thinking that you can upgrade your apps to the C7x0 version for free? Think again...
, President of theKompany has taken quite a firm stand on this issue. Essentially, if you purchased any of his software for the 5x00, you are not entitled to a free upgrade, but must purchase a separate copy for your C7x0.
Funny thing is, it seems that the newer versions of the apps (ie. tkcPlayer) have been tweaked to explicitily not allow them to be run on a C7x0 Zaurus.
Now, I don't know if this is "industry standard", but I know not all companies do this. I've also purchased Project Professional, a great piece of software from the people at GRN Consulting.
After I purchased my 760, I simply emailed (GRN support), asking if they would be supporting the 7x0 series, and I got a quick response saying that yes they do support the new models. Gary even emailed me the updated .ipk, and a quick note saying that they "have plans to produce a version which supports both the 240x320 and 640 x 480 displays automatically. Therefore ensuring we only have one codeset to be maintained."
Now that's a novel idea, it's too bad others don't share that mindset.
Saiten has been kind enough to put together a list of alternative apps for the C7x0 series which can be found in our ZWiki pages.
Thanks Saiten for putting this together!
C7x0 owners - pay to upgrade tkc apps or not?? | Log-in or register a new user account | 48 Comments
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Re: C7x0 owners - pay to upgrade tkc apps or not?? (Score: 1)
by ironstorm on Aug 26, 2003 - 07:24 PM
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After flashing to OZ and upgrading to Opie I can't imagine why I'd care to use tkc stuff... |
Re: C7x0 owners - pay to upgrade tkc apps or not?? (Score: 1)
by clivel on Oct 03, 2003 - 02:22 PM
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I have just released an updated version of SafeDee (www.bundu.com/zaurus.html), this version is optimised to run on the C7x0 devices in 640x480 mode in addition to running on the 5x00 Zaurii in 320x240. This update (like all SafeDee updates) is free.
I can however sympathize with tkc, developing apps for the Zaurus commercially is not a money making proposition. The market is incredibly small, and shrinking. It takes as much effort to write an application for the Zaurus as it does for one of the other more popular platforms. I think that tkc should be lauded for having put as much effort as they have into providing commercial quality applications for the Z. (I haven't actually used any tkc apps, so I am speculating as to the quality).
Where I differ from tkc, is that I blame Sharp for having screwed up the Zaurus market. I don't expect the customers who have supported me to be responsible for Sharp's mistakes. While I still have customers using SafeDee, I will continue to support it and provide free upgrades.
[No subject] (Score: 1)
by jfweber on Apr 06, 2004 - 01:32 PM
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sorry every one seem so confused about this.. IT was made clear as soon as they began developing software for other versions That since it is different architecture You would need to buy new versions... IF my old stuff would run on the 768 it would be one thing for him to try to get new money out of me.. however, since it doesn't he and team must write NEW software. And why anyone would think that a developer should work for free is beyond me. |
Re: C7x0 owners - pay to upgrade tkc apps or not?? (Score: 1)
by rlauzon on Oct 05, 2003 - 02:17 PM
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Save yourself the headache and get your C750/760 from The Kompany. Then, as they put it, "we will (free of charge) transfer your license from your 5xxx series device to your new C7xx series device."
Heck, the C760 from The Kompany was $50 cheaper than Dynamism. |