Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, January 21, 2007 - 03:47 PM (1649 Reads) |
MobileTechReview has published a review of the Zaurus C3200.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 07:26 PM (13883 Reads) |
Sharp Zaurus stars in another cyber-thriller Writer and penetration tester Kevin Milne has released another freely downloadable science fiction novel about a master hacker who creates the ultimate network penetration tool, a heavily customised Sharp Zaurus PDA running Openzaurus and Z4CK - meaning Zaurus-ACK.
Digital Force and Z4CK can be purchased from www.z4ck.org or both can be downloaded in PDF for FREE!
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 07:23 PM (6546 Reads) |
OpenBSD/zaurus is an effort to make OpenBSD run on several PDAs of the Sharp Zaurus family. Initially targeted is the C3000 and C3100 models which contain a 4GB CF hard drive internally.
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Posted by offroadgeek on Monday, September 12, 2005 - 05:46 PM (5392 Reads) |
Due to a in Los Angeles, our hosting provider (for ZUG, OESF (and forums), and ZaurusThemes) experienced obvious outages.
For now the ZUG is back up, but OESF (and forums) are still down. I expect all our sites to be back up shortly.
Feel free to check status.dreamhost.com for up to the minute status from Dreamhost.
Posted by ev1l on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 05:43 AM (6587 Reads) |
For those of you considering whether or not to acquire a new Zaurus, here's a list of reviews of the C3000 model. The best strategy right now is to wait until you can get a C3100, but the two models are very similar, so this will help you get an idea of what to expect.
- Bargain PDA Not the best English, but very informative. If you only read one, read this one.
- Ecoustics One of the best of the bunch.
- Design Technica A bit longish, but contains good info.
- Mobile Tech Review
- JK on the Run
I've tried to screen the list as far as content quality is concerned, but feel free to recommend any decent review I might have missed.
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