New Zaurus model: SL-C1000 |
Posted by ev1l on Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 02:45 PM (36 Reads) |
This model is basically a SL-C3000 with 128MB of Flash memory instead of a hard drive. What you're left with is updated and improved C860, still with a faster processor and USB capability. The usual dual slots, Infrared and other goodies are all there.
Did I mention it's pearl black? That thing is gorgeous!

New Zaurus model: SL-C3000 |
Posted by ev1l on Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 02:45 PM (7 Reads) |
This new model is a major update to the Zaurus design: it's the first PDA with an integrated (4GB) hard disk. The rest of the specs are pretty much what you'd expect from an update to the clamshell models: slight improvement in the processor department, with a PXA270 replacing the 255 of the earlier SL-C860, and USB host capability.
It regretably use the same screen as the 860 instead of the improved type found in the 6000 series, and being a Japan-only model, it still comes with no form of integrated wireless communications.

Here's a list of reviews of the 3000:
I4U News
You can buy the Z at the following importers:
Dynamism for USians
Trisoft for those in the Old World.
OESF site and forums move to a new hosting provider! |
Posted by offroadgeek on Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 03:29 PM (296 Reads) |
With all of the connectivity/response issues we were seeing with ibiblio hosting, I decided to just move the OESF site and OE Forums to a different hosting provider (dreamhost).
This should resolve our connectivity issues, and allow everyone to enjoy the newly upgraded forums and wiki.
While we're waiting for DNS to fully propogate, you can access the site via the following IP address. Please update your HOSTS file accordingly (you'll need to update your HOSTS file in order to log into the forums until DNS is fully propogated).
Thank you again for your continued patience!
OESF forums and site problems |
Posted by offroadgeek on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 10:43 PM (176 Reads) |
The OESF site and forums that was just oved over to the ibiblio server are having some troubles. Most of you probably already know that the forums were responding very slowly, if at all. And sometimes giving mysql connect errors.
The ibiblio technical staff have been notified of the problem, and I'm sure it will be fixed ASAP.
Please bear with us while we get through this transition period.
Big changes in store for the ZUG... |
Posted by offroadgeek on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 09:29 PM (251 Reads) |
We've just announced some big changes happening with the ZUG. Here's a quick summary:
- The creation of the Open Embedded Software Foundation. A new organization dedicated to support the Open Embedded community.
Embedded Linux Software Index (ELSI) replaces the Zaurus Software Index (ZSI).
- Zaurususergroup.com moves to zaurususergroup.org
- ZUG forums get an upgrade, and will be moving to the new OESF domain. They will become less Zaurus specific and more open to all Open Embedded devices.
- The ZUG will change to a news and information site for the Zaurus.
Check out the details in the following thread:
Donate to the ZUG! |
Have a few extra bucks (euro, yen, etc.)? Like what the ZUG has to offer? Then donate via the easy link below.
All donations will be used to help pay for our hosting costs.
ZUG Reviews |
Origio Wireless 802.11b LAN CF Card     
Zonet ZCF1100    
Sandisk 512Mb SD card 
Logic3 Pouch    
Zaurus CE-RH1 remote control headphones     
PDAir C760/860 Case     
SMC 2642W EZ Connect    
Ambicom WL1100C-CF 802.11b Wireless card     
eXpansys 256MB SD card     
OverLay Brilliant Screen Protector Zaurus SL-C7xx/860     
ZUG Maps |
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Past Articles |
Friday, June 11 |
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New ZUG in Ireland! (0) |
Tuesday, May 25 |
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Another SL-6000 review on PDABuyersGuide (3) |
Saturday, May 08 |
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Minimo and Thunderbird for pdaXrom (0) |
Tuesday, May 04 |
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SL-6000 Review on BargainPDA.com (3) |
Saturday, April 24 |
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New ZUG in Bulgaria! (0) |
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New ZUG in Turkey! (0) |
Friday, April 16 |
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Perhaps a silent US and UK rollout of C700?? (0) |
Thursday, April 08 |
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New ZUG in Tennessee! (0) |
Wednesday, April 07 |
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New ZUG in Indianapolis! (0) |
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pdaXrom 1.0.5 released (0) |
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