Topic: Site Updates
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - 07:26 PM (13886 Reads) |
Sharp Zaurus stars in another cyber-thriller Writer and penetration tester Kevin Milne has released another freely downloadable science fiction novel about a master hacker who creates the ultimate network penetration tool, a heavily customised Sharp Zaurus PDA running Openzaurus and Z4CK - meaning Zaurus-ACK.
Digital Force and Z4CK can be purchased from www.z4ck.org or both can be downloaded in PDF for FREE!
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Posted by offroadgeek on Monday, September 12, 2005 - 05:46 PM (5394 Reads) |
Due to a in Los Angeles, our hosting provider (for ZUG, OESF (and forums), and ZaurusThemes) experienced obvious outages.
For now the ZUG is back up, but OESF (and forums) are still down. I expect all our sites to be back up shortly.
Feel free to check status.dreamhost.com for up to the minute status from Dreamhost.
Posted by offroadgeek on Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 03:29 PM (5181 Reads) |
With all of the connectivity/response issues we were seeing with ibiblio hosting, I decided to just move the OESF site and OE Forums to a different hosting provider (dreamhost).
This should resolve our connectivity issues, and allow everyone to enjoy the newly upgraded forums and wiki.
While we're waiting for DNS to fully propogate, you can access the site via the following IP address. Please update your HOSTS file accordingly (you'll need to update your HOSTS file in order to log into the forums until DNS is fully propogated).
Thank you again for your continued patience!
1 Comment
Posted by offroadgeek on Sunday, January 16, 2005 - 10:43 PM (23008 Reads) |
The OESF site and forums that was just oved over to the ibiblio server are having some troubles. Most of you probably already know that the forums were responding very slowly, if at all. And sometimes giving mysql connect errors.
The ibiblio technical staff have been notified of the problem, and I'm sure it will be fixed ASAP.
Please bear with us while we get through this transition period.
Posted by offroadgeek on Tuesday, January 11, 2005 - 09:29 PM (5804 Reads) |
We've just announced some big changes happening with the ZUG. Here's a quick summary:
- The creation of the Open Embedded Software Foundation. A new organization dedicated to support the Open Embedded community.
Embedded Linux Software Index (ELSI) replaces the Zaurus Software Index (ZSI).
- Zaurususergroup.com moves to zaurususergroup.org
- ZUG forums get an upgrade, and will be moving to the new OESF domain. They will become less Zaurus specific and more open to all Open Embedded devices.
- The ZUG will change to a news and information site for the Zaurus.
Check out the details in the following thread: