Topic: Linux
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Posted by edo on Friday, November 14, 2003 - 08:03 PM (3086 Reads) |
The following letter was sent to PC Pro magazine, after they failed to present any Linux-based PDAs in their recent 24 PDA super-test:
Dear Pc Pro Editorial Team,
Your recent PDA Supertest (issue 110, p.129) disappointed me. You didn't mention
any Linux-based PDAs, and the models you examined were simply the mainstream
Palm-OS and PocketPC ones. The Linux-based models have so much more to offer
to the computer professional, who is the typical reader of your magazine. I'm sending
this letter hoping to redress the balance.
Read more... (2214 bytes more) Comments?
Posted by Tong on Monday, September 22, 2003 - 12:08 PM (2066 Reads) |