Topic: ZUG Map Updates
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Posted by offroadgeek on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 - 09:21 PM (2016 Reads) |
iball and DaWorm have put their ZUGs on the map! Check out the Germany ZUG on the Europe map, and the Philippine ZUG on the S.E. Asia map.
Also, you can now click on a particular ZUG on a map and be taken directly to their forum!
Posted by offroadgeek on Friday, May 23, 2003 - 01:04 AM (2194 Reads) |
Stigger has put the Sydney ZUG on the map! If you live in or around Sydney, join the Sydney ZUG and visit their forum!
I wonder how they pronouce "Zaurus" in Australia?
Posted by offroadgeek on Wednesday, May 21, 2003 - 11:16 PM (2846 Reads) |
You can now see where the Zaurus User Groups are in the world! We currently only have a US map up, but more will be added soon!
Don't see a ZUG near you? Create one! Click here to see how.