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New Zaurus SL-6000 Model???
Posted on Oct 02, 2003 - 11:46 AM by offroadgeek Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
SL-6000 NewsSo this is just speculation, but after seeing the image, I had to post it here.

kimothpy posted a note on the devnet forum with a link to an image of a SL-6000 model.

By looking at the image, one could assume that this unit has integrated Blueooth and WIFI (by the model number and extra LEDs at the top front of the unit).

Could this be the much anticipated successor of the SL-5500/5600 models?

Related links
· More about SL-6000 News
· News by offroadgeek

Most-read story in SL-6000 News:
New Zaurus Prototype Confirmed!

New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? | Log-in or register a new user account | 8 Comments
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Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by (taimatcoredumpdotorg)
on Oct 02, 2003 - 01:56 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://

Integrated BT and WIFI makes me happy. No more worrying about cards that block ports.

One thing I would definately be concerned about is battery life.

Hell this all looks like a big pipe-dream at the moment, but I would be first in line to buy one of these bad-boys!

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by tapjpa on Oct 02, 2003 - 04:26 PM

(User information | Send a message) http://www.jpanderson.net
What would be really cool is if they could put this into a clam shell like the C7XX series!

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by Capt_Caveman on Oct 02, 2003 - 08:06 PM

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Can anyone make out what appears to be the two "buttons" that flank the IR port and what looks like a serial cable attachment on the bottom?

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Oct 02, 2003 - 10:06 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.offroadgeek.com
It looks to me like the buttons on the left hand side may be OK and Cancel buttons. I think it would make sense as the 7x0 series has OK and Cancel buttons on the left side (when the unit is in portrait mode).

The hole below those buttons (and the ir port) is probably the headphone port.

Looks really nice to me!

THIS IS AN HOAX (Score: 1)
by sigmaX on Oct 03, 2003 - 08:56 AM

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Dear Friends,

The "picture" is a rendered 3D model.
I work in the 3D industry and it is pretty clear. Just take a good look at the perfect smooth and shading, particularly on its sides :)

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Oct 03, 2003 - 09:07 AM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
figured as much... I'm impressed though. I think I can draw a shaded (possibly with color) stick figure in Photoshop!

also the model name "warlord" is horribly cheesy... if they wanted a cheesy canine name, they could have just chosen "shitzu".

oh well.. I'm happy with my 760!

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Oct 08, 2003 - 05:09 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
kimothpy has posted another link to a new pic (drawing) of the supposed 6000 model, claiming adamanently that it is not a hoax...

I've updated the article with the second pic (local copy)...

Re: New Zaurus SL-6000 Model??? (Score: 1)
by undrwater on Oct 22, 2003 - 11:17 AM

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Assuming this is real;
Warlord is most likely just a working name, i'd imagine that the unit will come out with the Zaurus name due to branding...also they seem to be maintaining the numbering scheme.

As for the buttons by the IR port...i'm hoping they are recording buttons (although i see no sign of a built-in mic). Recording an appointment or notes for later entry would be sooo handy.