Apparently the Cacko Team has been hard at work, because according to a post on the devnet boards, they will be releasing a new custom rom for the C7x0 series, a X11 ROM!
Check out the pictures and see for yourself, this ROM looks great!
C7x0 Cacko X11 ROM! | Log-in or register a new user account | 4 Comments
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Re: C7x0 Cacko X11 ROM! (Score: 1)
by sriley on Nov 19, 2003 - 10:35 AM
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Nice screenshots, I'd like to see a list of the bundled applications.
Any word on their timeline for realease? |
Re: C7x0 Cacko X11 ROM! (Score: 1)
by jerrybme on Nov 19, 2003 - 12:51 PM
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If you're adventurous you can try it now, Sash got has got test kernels & file systems on his server -> http://cacko.biz/~sash/test1/ and there are additional apps at -> http://www.cacko.biz/test321/
[No subject] (Score: 1)
by jerrybme on Nov 19, 2003 - 02:03 PM
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Oops, careful the apps link in previous post are not current, look for ones dated later than 11-19 (Sash says he'll upload them soon). There's still lots of bugs, so don't expect stuff to work. When it boots for first time the only user account is root and leave password blank. Once you log on you can set the password then ftp into the Z. It's going to be a great ROM. |
[No subject](Score: 1)
by ([email protected]) on Nov 19, 2003 - 04:11 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
Anyone find that Sash's server is terribly slow? It must be getting hammered with many download requests... as soon as my download completes, I can put it on the ZUG server... |