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Announce: mailing lists now on ZUG!
Posted on Jan 31, 2004 - 12:03 AM by offroadgeek Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
ZUG Chat RoomsWell, we finally got around to setting up a mailman server, so we can now host our own mailing lists!

I saw this as another step to ensure our independance from Sharp, and just another resource for the ZUG to provide to our thriving community.

There are two lists already created:

zug-general: This general discussion list is great for anyone to chat about anything Zaurus. You don't need to be an expert programmer to subscribe. Feel free to jump in and ask anything. We welcome newbies!

zug-developer: This more technical discussion list is for the developers at heart. Now, there aren't any credential's check, so anyone can subscribe to this list, but it is reserved for discussion that are more on the technical side. Please refrain from asking newbie questions in this list.

You can subscribe to either of these lists by clicking on their respective names in the ZUG Menu, under Zaurus Resources (at the left).

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· More about ZUG Chat Rooms
· News by offroadgeek

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Announce: mailing lists now on ZUG! | Log-in or register a new user account | 5 Comments
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Re: Announce: mailing lists now on ZUG! (Score: 1)
by Mickeyl on Feb 02, 2004 - 01:01 AM

(User information | Send a message) http://www.Vanille.de
Oh no... please not yet another communication channel. More fragmentation :(

Re: Announce: mailing lists now on ZUG! (Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Feb 02, 2004 - 02:28 AM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
how is this more fragmentation??? the zaurus-general mailing list is down, and may never come back... we're just trying to fill an empty slot.

besides.. is the opie mailing list open to general zaurus communication and support, including the cacko, tkc, and x11 roms?

[No subject] (Score: 1)
by Mickeyl on Feb 02, 2004 - 08:24 AM

(User information | Send a message) http://www.Vanille.de
I don't see the need of the half dozens of forums _and_ a mailing list. (Actually I don't see the need of _any_ web based forum but that's another story...)
Two communication channels are more than one - which fragments information unless you create bidirectional forwarders from the lists to the forums and vice versa. Hence you put additional burden on people wanting to communicate because they have to look in channels.

[No subject](Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Feb 02, 2004 - 09:05 AM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
I personally see this as giving people options. Options to choose to use which ever form of communication they see fits their needs best.

Also, I really don't like the mailing lists as a form of communication, and never post or reply to them. I prefer web based forums.

So, to each their own.

[No subject](Score: 1)
by (taimremovethis@@@removethiscoredump.org)
on Feb 02, 2004 - 06:51 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
Also, some people may not be able to get to the site at work. Sadly, some companies believe that if the site is a forum or weblog, it is "bad," hence must be blocked at all costs.

As it stands, I currently do not have access to the gentoo forums and recently, I lost access to several mail archive sites that had all kinds of good, solid and non-offensive material I used on a regular basis FOR work.

I am also quite the information hog. I try to get communication going on every front, Forums, weblogs, RSS feeds, newsletters, IRC, HF/VHF/UHF, TV, AM/FM, E-Mail, Instant messaging, snail-mail, conventions, notes, books, tapes, CDs, etc...etc...etc... Well, you get the idea.

I find that it's good to get as many opinions and ideas from as many places as possible, THEN make a decision as to what you are going to do. E-Mail lists are another great way to get even more people involved.