PNY 256 SD Card
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I purchased the PNY 256 SD Card for my new SL-C760 after experiencing problems with a similar Sandisk card (see other review). The card came pre-formatted to FAT16 file system.
I have performed several NAND backup and restores (using the DM trick) without problems. For those unfamilure with this, it involves a special menu on the Zaurus that writes/reads a 130MB+ backup file to the card.
I have also loaded up the card with MP3's, mpg movies, and documents. The card performed very well for listening to MP3's and playing back high-res videos. It has been fully compatible with my OS X system and Win2K system (using USB readers) as well as the Zaurus.
On my Win2K machine with a USB 2.0 reader, I timed several large and small file transfers:
Real World Tests
READ - approx 5.9MB/second
WRITE - approx 1.6MB/second
This seems more than adequate for PDA use.
I also tried generating numbers from the Sisoft Sandra benchmarking software on the Win2K box. I used the Removable Storage/Flash benchmark:
SiSoft Sandra Tests
2MB File Test
READ - 5837 kb/sec
256KB File Test
READ - 5641 kb/sec
32KB File Test
READ - 3769 kb/sec
The READ numbers make sense, but something is wrong with the WRITE numbers. I guess this shows you shouldn't take artificial benchmarks at face value, and should test in the real world as well. I may have some kind of configuration problem with SiSoft Sandra.
Overall, I'm extremely happy with my PNY SD card. Some cards may give a bit better performance, but the PNY has been a perfectly reliable and acceptable performer.
Added: Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Related Link: PNY 256 SD Card
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