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Ambicom WL1100C-CF 802.11b Wireless card
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After looking around the web for a 802.11b card, I found this card at CompUSA for $35. (after rebate,tax,etc)
Not as powerful as my D-Link DWL 660, but still very useful. This card works flawlessly on Sharprom 3.1. (I have yet to try it on OZ) Kismet, and every other app I have tried works like a charm.

Time will tell as to the quality of this card, but so far it seems superp.


Added:  Sunday, February 15, 2004

Related Link:  Ambicom
hits: 7712


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Posted by tSp on Mar 01, 2004 - 04:47 AM
My score: Reviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 Stars

just to let you know that I bought it yesterday and it is working on Sharp 3.13 too and I am switching roms about once a day cause I just got my 5500 about a week ago, so I'll update here as I test it on different roms.

Posted by klrtux on Mar 09, 2004 - 05:26 AM
My score:

I purchased the same card at Best Buy appx. 10 months ago. The first card died within 6 weeks. I returned it to Best Buy and they exchanged it for a new one. The second is still working with no problems. I am currently using it in the latest theKompany.com ROM flawlessly. I'm not usre how to gauge it, but I believe it is using quite a bit of power. Battery life greatly decreases when in use.

Posted by Jarhead on May 21, 2004 - 09:39 AM
My score:

I picked up this same card, used, on Ebay and have had great luck with it. I've used it on my 5600 under the sharp roms and TKc rom. I've also been using it on my 5500 under OZ 3.35 and 3.36 as well as TKc, and the sharp roms. Under all of these configurations I have found the card to work upon insertion and require no setup. I've used it to connect to my Linksys router as well as some others of unknown manufacture. I've also had good luck using it with Kismet. I've found that the range of the card is comparable to that of my laptop with an Orinoco Silver card. This card is small and narrow enough to not obstruct the stylus or headphone jack on either Zaurii. If I could do anything to improve it I would ask for an external antenna port to hook it up to a cantenna, but that's not essential and would defeat the portability of this card/Zaurus combo.

Posted by henrysviper on Aug 04, 2004 - 01:59 PM
My score: Reviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 Stars

I have also the ambicom card and it is indeed working nicely
(good range and no problems connecting to AP).
I haven't though been able to make it work with kismet. I am using
kismet from www.killefiz.de on a C750 with Sharp ROM.
Do I need a special driver or something?