TRENDNET 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter
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Definitely a life saver... I bought my zaurus 5500 second hand, and there was no way I could achieve a syncing with my windows 2000 server machine ...
I had 2.38 SHARP ROM at that time ... it is time to introduce the life saver: my TRENDNET 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter allowed me to (without any further configuration other than the usual network "DHCP" config, get connected into my LAN and into Internet...
On accomplishing this, I managed to FTP into my desktop and download some zaurus software.
I tried this Compact Flash ethernet adapter with tkcROM, SHARP 3.10, Openzaurus 3.2, and good old 2.38 ... it works flawlessly.
A definitely PLUS is that the ethernet connector is embedded into the case, hence no cable with adapter to loose ... perfect!
Did I mention that it has the right price ? (one of the lowest priced I could find)...
Now for the bad stuff:
IT is big, bulky, and it has 6 leds (which I assume they drain power, not much anyway). Not that you could not live with this...
Higly recommended...
Added: Monday, October 20, 2003
hits: 1350