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Cacko's ROM
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I've installed Cacko's modified version of Sharp's 3.10 ROM on my 5500.

What I like:

1. /home moved to MMC/SD
2. Opera app extracted to .ipk (not that I wouldn't use Opera 6, I just like the option of installing it myself)

What I'm getting used to, or don't like as much:

1. changed default fonts (smaller than the original fonts)
2. Russian language option (not really in my way, just takes up a little space on the taskbar, and I'm not sure how much memory this addition takes)

In summary, I really like this modified ROM, if only for the reason of having /home moved to the MMC/SD card!

Thanks Cacko!!!

Added:  Sunday, June 01, 2003

Related Link:  www.cacko.biz
hits: 3324
Language: eng


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Posted by sigmaX on Aug 04, 2003 - 04:11 PM
My score: Reviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 Stars

For a totally newbie: moving the /home to an SD card ... what pros and cons have ? I mean: you get more RAM for "RAM" tasks ? :)

please fully expand the explanations :)



Posted by mk500 on Sep 10, 2003 - 04:02 PM
My score:

Cacko's ROM was a godsend for me (a new 760 user). Sash did an amazing job on this configuration. There is no easier way to convert your Japanese Zaurus to English, and no better way (in my opinion).

I'd also love to see a way to remove the EN/RU menu from the lower right, since I will never use it (but this is a very minor complaint).

The one thing that would make this upgrade PERFECT would be conversion of the two Japanese keys to ctrl and alt. I realize Sash still uses them for Japanese entry, but many of us don't need this.

Anyway, Great system, and I especially love the beautiful icons.

For folks about to perform this installation, remember to erase your memory (I believe it's option 3 in the OK+ON menu) before launching your newly upgraded system, or it won't work right (all text will be blank, etc.). Note that you should always have a backup of all your important data on a memory card before performing an installation like this.

Posted by Disconnect on Oct 09, 2003 - 10:16 AM
My score: Reviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 StarsReviewer Rated 5 Stars

On the 760 version I figured out how to pull the EN/RU. Just go to /home/QtPalmtop/plugins/applets and remove (or move elsewhere) libkbdapplet.so.*

What I'm still missing is a working network config app :(