Zaurus User Group

Announcement! Winners of the ZUG Documentation Contest!

Articles / Site Updates
Posted by offroadgeek on Nov 01, 2003 - 12:20 AM

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Documentation Contest! It was close, but the polls are officially closed, and the scores have been tallied:

Winner of the 1st place prize - SL-5600 - tumnus with 147 points!

Winner of the 2nd place prize - SL-5500 - gerrynjr with 92 points!

Winner of the 3rd place prize - SL-5000d - W8TVI with 89 points!

The following people will be entered into the drawing to win a SL-5500, and a second drawing for a Ambicom 56k CF Modem:

jmurff with 31 points
lardman with 19 points
corky with 9 points
victor with 3 points
happy123 with 3 points
badger with 3 points
r0bert with 3 points

The drawing will be held at the next SF ZUG meeting, and the winners will be announced that night!

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