Sharp Linux(R)/Java(TM) PDA Platform Developer Newsletter June 16, 2003
Articles / Zaurus DevNet
Posted by offroadgeek on Jun 19, 2003 - 10:42 PM
I'm sure most everyone has already seen this months Developer Newsletter, but I wanted to point out the great Zaurus User Group plug that tapjpa wrote up!
Thanks Jim!
Sharp Linux(R)/Java(TM) PDA Platform Developer Newsletter
June 16, 2003
In this issue:
{1} New DTM Header files posted
{2} Repost: Developer pricing on SL-5500/SL-5600
{3} New Mailing List created for Japan products
{4} Community Giveaway: Free Prizes!
{5} Developer's Den: New! Zaurus User Group
{6} Developer's Den: Linux-based hardware prototyping system
{7} Contacts / subscribe / unsubscribe
We promise to avoid unnecessary information or hype and provide just the
essential information. If you wish to stop receiving this newsletter
scroll down to unsubscribe.
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{1} New DTM Header files posted
The DaTa Manager is a new implementation for storing data on the SL-5600
and SL-5500 v.3.10. PIM data is now stored into this new engine.
Download the API specs, modules, header files and learn how to utilize the
DTM. http://community.zaurus.com/projects/dtm/
{2} Repost: Developer pricing on SL-5500/SL-5600
Sharp has teamed up with PC Connection to offer our developers a special
discount price on the Zaurus and accessories. The SL-5600 is available
for $424.99 and the SL-5500 is $229. This special price is only valid for
approved developers of the Zaurus Developer Program. To access the
Developer store, please login to the Zaurus DevNet at
http://www.zaurus.com/dev/ and from the menu click Developer
Program->Store. If you haven't enrolled into the Developer Program, you
must do this prior to purchasing.
{3} New Mailing List created for Japan products
Do the names A300, C-750, and C-760 mean anything to you? If so you?ll
know that these are the names for the Japanese models of the Zaurus. To
assist our US/Europe developers, we have now created the Zaurus-ja
mailinglist. This mailing list is a means for non-Japanese people to coop
erate with Japanese Zaurus developers and users. The list is mainly
intended to talk about the following topics (in English).
- software maintained by Zaurus-ja project
- i18n/Japanese issues (of Qt/E, Qtopia, and more)
- Japanese Zaurus models and information
To subscribe to the list, visit the page below.
or for more information about the Zaurus-ja project, go to
Join now, and let's start bridging the gap!
{4} Community Giveaway: Free Prizes!
In celebration of the new Community website re-launch, I'd like to
announce a set of prize giveaways.
The prizes will consist of SL-5x00s, WIFI cards, Shirts, Posters, Zaurus
Bags, Software, and other stuff found in my bottom right desk drawer.
Grand prize: Actual prize TBA - The best project hosted in the community
site will win. Judges will determine.
Here's how to be eligible: For every project that is registered, approved,
and maintained in the community site (http://community.zaurus.com) gives
you a single entry into the drawing. The project has to be legitimate, and
we will have a team of 3 judges to validate. When I mean legit - please
use common sense - no vaporware, the project should have a few members
involved, needs to be relatively active, etc.... Don't just try to fool
us, please. Qualifying entries must be received before June 23, 2003. We
will have the prize drawing that week using a RND generator. 3 entries max
per person.
Please note: To register a project in the community site, you need to be
an approved developer of the developer program. If you have not already
enrolled, please do so by going to
Your friendly judges: Spencer, Fusion94, and kergoth
{5} Developer's Den: New! Zaurus User Group
By: Jim Anderson (tapjpa)
Come visit the new Zaurus User Group web site!
The ZUG as it is affectionately known by its almost 100 members is great
place to go to find others in your area and around the world and what they
are doing with their Z's. The ZUG site features a forum area with topics
for each regional/city user group, a forum for general posts, as well as
technical discussion forums. If you don't find a User Group for your area
you're invited to create one and help it grow. The site includes a growing
download area that features many popular applications that are favored by
the Zaurus community and covers the entire Sharp Zaurus product line as
well as a themes and background area to download the works of art created
by some very talented users. Several of the ZUG groups are planning
meetings in their area in addition the ZUG is also planning on hosting a
chat area for online meetings as well as for collaborative discussions.
The ZUG is the creation of offroadgeek as he is known in the forums. He
decided to put this site together with the help of others after the idea
was mentioned in the Developers Forum on Sharps Zaurus web site.
(http://www.zaurus.com/dev) Go check out the site today and support the
Zaurus User Group!
{6} Developer's Den: Linux-based hardware prototyping system
MakingThings manufactures a line of modules for interfacing a computer to
a variety of devices such as motors, lamps, switches, and sensors. These
modules communicate via an inexpensive, reliable, peer-to-peer RS-485
network. Modules identify themselves automatically and can be hot plugged
and un-plugged. Most modules contain multiple devices, and new modules are
under development.
MakingThings has just released the beta version of their Teleo Application
SDK which allows interaction with all Teleo Modules in simple, POSIX
compliant C. Currently supported are Linux x86, Linux ARM (Zaurus),
Windows and Mac OS X. The modular nature of the Application SDK allows
programmers to interact with these modules at a variety of different
The Zaurus SDK is written for Linux-X86 host, cross-compiling for the
Zaurus. Included in the SDK are samples ready to compile and run which, in
conjunction with the Teleo modules, afford Zaurus users immediate control
over devices such as motors and lights, and the ability to read sensors
and switches. These samples also serve as starting points for more
elaborate programs. Alternately, users can
add the Teleo library to existing applications, allowing those
applications to sense and/or control real world devices.
Teleo Overview:
Teleo Application SDK documentation:
{7} Contacts / subscribe / unsubscribe
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Marketing support e-mail address for US:
Marketing support e-mail address for other areas:
Sharp's online privacy policy is at:
To SUBSCRIBE to this newsletter you must register at:
http://www.zaurus.com/dev/ and check the YES button for receiving
developer news updates. If you are already registered, go to
http://www.zaurus.com/dev/ log-in and select menu item to UPDATE YOUR
PROFILE and check the YES button for receiving developer newsletters.
To UNSUBSCRIBE to this newsletter go to http://www.zaurus.com/dev/ log-in
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Copyright 2003 Sharp Electronics Corp.
This article is from Zaurus User Group
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