Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
Category: Main -> Batteries and Charging
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· Can I use the A/C adapter without the cradle?
- The normal A/C adapter works with or without the cradle
You can unplug the A/C adapter from the back of the cradle, and plug it directly into the bottom of the Zaurus, in the plug.
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· Is there a car adapter for the Zaurus?
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· The battery status doesn't seem to accurate
- Newer hardware = more accurate status
The SL5500 and SL5000D models do not report very accurate readings. The kernel used in the OpenZaurus ROM for these models has a patch that interpolates the readings and gives a more accurate figure.
All the other Zaurus SL models give better battery readings from the hardware.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.08
- It's not the best yet
The battery status in the taskbar - (Battery) - only seems to show 0%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% at the moment.
Last updated: 2002.Apr.06
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· How long does the battery last?
- It depends on how much you use it.
Listening to MP3s with the frontlight on highest power, the Zaurus lasts only about 1 hour. With typical usage (checking calendar, addressbook, todo list), the Zaurus only needs to be charged every day or so. Your mileage may vary.
Last updated: 2002.May.30
- Do some math
The 5000D and 5500 has a 3.7v 950mAh Battery
To calculate how long that should last, divide 950 by the total mA used.
According to Sharp, the SL-5000D does not fully charge the battery.
One user has measured charge amperage and estimated about 850mA. If you have an SL-5000D, you will probably get better estimates of battery life if you use 850mA for estimating battery life. (unless you use the external battery charger to charge your battery if you use the external charger, use 950mA to estimate)
Below are some extremely rough estimates for power usage.
You should expect to get anywhere from half as long as the calculation to twice as long.
Backlight at Full about 340mA
Backlight at 3/4 about 210mA
Backlight at 1/2 about 130mA
Backlight at 1/4 about 90mA
LCD about 30mA
CF in slot about 1-5mA
CF Read about 25mA
CF Write about 45mA
SMC-2642W 802.11b about 100mA (sleep)
XI-815 802.11b TX <350mA [1]
XI-815 802.11b RX <250mA [1]
XI-815 802.11b sleep <17mA [1]
WL6000-320 802.11b TX adjustable
SD in slot about 1-5mA
SD Read about 30mA
SD Write about 50mA
Audio about 10mA
IR Send about 81mA
IR Listen about 15mA
CPU active about 50mA
Source: gerrynjr (from the zauruszone wiki)
Last updated: 2003.Oct.31
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· Do I lose all my data if I let the battery drain completely, or remove the battery?
- No - for the 5500 and 5000d, the RAM is backed up by another battery
Along with the removable Lithium-Ion battery, the Zaurus has an internal battery: a small Nickel Cadmium one. It keeps the RAM (part of which contains the program-, data- and configuration-files) from being lost when the Lithium-Ion one goes dead, or is removed from the case. It will only last about 24 hours, though!
Source: Peter W. Borders
Last updated: 2002.Mar.30
- Alternative ROMs with /home on SD/CF, and some Zaurii have Flash ROM
To avoid data loss, some ROMs such as the Crow ROMs use all RAM as just operating RAM and put /home on a SD card which will keep all saved data even with a flat battery and backup battery.
All other Zaurii models use Flash ROM for internal storage and so do not require a backup battery. Even when the battery goes flat in these models, all saved data is retained by the Flash ROM.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.08
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· Why do I have to charge the Zaurus for 24 hours when I first get it?
- To fully charge the NiCd battery
The Nickel Cadmium battery that keeps your data safe when the main Lithium-Ion battery is completely drained, or removed, is very small, but it charges at a very low rate. This is probably why Sharp recommends charging the Zaurus for 24 hours the first time.
Source: Peter W. Borders
Last updated: 2002.Mar.30
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· The battery lasts very short, how can I improve it?
- By adjusting the brightness of the backlight
To improve battery life, go to the Settings tab, and click "Light & Power" (Sharp Rom 3.10). Here you can adjust power saving settings for your Zaurus. Adjusting the brightness of the backlight will certainly increase battery life, as well as suspending after 5 minutes.
Source: r0bert
Last updated: 2003.Oct.1
- Use a battery extender
Various battery extenders can be used with the Zaurus as long as their power jack fits the socket on the Zaurus, has the correct polarity and supplies 4.8-5.0V DC.
(Caution: more that 5V can damage the Zaurus)
Extenders that work with the Zaurus include:
(Only use rechargeables with this!)
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.08
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