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Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> Character Input

·  I think my FN key is stuck / I can't type normal characters on the keyboard!
·  I think my SHIFT key is stuck / I can't type lowercase characters on the keyboard!
·  How do I make a | (vertical bar, or pipe) using the keyboard?
·  How do I make [ and ] (brackets) using the keyboard?
·  How do I make { and } (braces) using the keyboard?
·  How do I make a ` (grave) using the keyboard?
·  How do I make a ^ (caret) using the keyboard?
·  How do I make a \ (backslash) using the keyboard?
·  Where's the Escape key?
·  How do I send CONTROL characters (to the Terminal, for example) using the keyboard?
·  Can I use a regular or stow-away keyboard with the Zaurus?
·  How do I enter the pound sterling (£) symbol on the keyboard?
·  How do I enter the Euro symbol on the keyboard?
·  How do I send CTRL+C in the console (i.e. without Qtopia running)
·  I've upgraded to the Sharp 3.10 ROM (or one of it's alternatives - tkcROM, etc), and I no longer have the pickboard. How do I get it back?
·  Does the Zaurus keyboard have a Caps Lock or Num Lock feature?
·  Do I have to type out these long commands all the time/is there a faster way to change directories while using the terminal?

·  I think my FN key is stuck / I can't type normal characters on the keyboard!

  • NUM-lock is activated

    A small 'N' should be visible on the very bottom right of the screen (to the right of the current time, on the taskbar). Pushing 'NUM-lock' (press [Fn] + [/?/Num]) again will disable function lock: the should disappear, and the keys will work as expected.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  I think my SHIFT key is stuck / I can't type lowercase characters on the keyboard!

  • CAPS-lock is activated

    A small 'C' should be visible on the very bottom right of the screen (to the right of the current time, on the taskbar). Pushing 'CAPS-lock' (press [Fn] + [Tab/Caps]) again will disable caps-lock: the 'C' should disappear, and the keys will work as expected.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  How do I make a | (vertical bar, or pipe) using the keyboard?

  • Qtopia: Press SHIFT + SPACE

    In Qtopia (the normal, graphical environment), hold one of the [Shift] keys and push [Space].

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

  • Console: Press FN + SPACE

    In text-only console mode, push or hold the [Fn] key and push [Space].

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  How do I make [ and ] (brackets) using the keyboard?

  • Press SHIFT + FN and Del or Comma

    To get an open bracket ("["), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [Del/BKSP].

    To get a close bracket ("]"), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [,;/)].

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  How do I make { and } (braces) using the keyboard?

  • Press SHIFT + FN + < and >

    To get an open brace ("{"), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [.:/<].

    To get a close brace ("}"), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [Enter/>].

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  How do I make a ` (grave) using the keyboard?

  • Press SHIFT + FN + Space

    To get a grave ("`"; normally left of the 1 key on US keyboards), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [Space].

    Source: Stefan Kremer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.17

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·  How do I make a ^ (caret) using the keyboard?

  • Press SHIFT + FN + Quote

    To get a carat ("^"), push and hold [Shift] and [Fn], and press [' ''/~].

    Source: Stefan Kremer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.17

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·  How do I make a \ (backslash) using the keyboard?

  • Press SHIFT + TAB

    Hold [Shift] and press [Tab/Caps]. Note: This doesn't work in single-line input fields or some versions of the 'Terminal'!

    Source: (Many people)

    Last updated: 2002.Nov.21

  • Get 'Custom Input' application

    The Custom Input application lets you set up customized keyboard shortcuts on the hardware keyboard (as well as customize the on-screen keyboard.)

    Source: Colin Pinkney

    Last updated: 2002.Aug.05

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·  Where's the Escape key?

  • Press Cancel

    The [Cancel/On/Off] button on the panel acts as the Escape key.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  How do I send CONTROL characters (to the Terminal, for example) using the keyboard?

  • Press FN + SHIFT + Key

    In Qtopia, all CONTROL-A through CONTROL-Z characters (except CONTROL-C) can be sent by holding both [Shift] and [Fn] while pressing the letter.

    CONTROL-C can be made by pushing just [Fn] and [C/Copy].
    (CONTROL-Z, -X, and -V can be entered with just [Fn], as well)

    Applies to: QWERTY keyboard models

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.05

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·  Can I use a regular or stow-away keyboard with the Zaurus?

  • PocketTop folding IR keyboard

    A keyboard for iPAQs that also officially supports the Zaurus. Folds in two halves. About USD$90 from PocketTop.net

    Last updated: 2003.Jun.09

  • Man and Machine rolling wired keyboard

    A rubbery keyboard that can roll up like a newspaper. FX100, about USD$80.

    Last updated: 2003.Jun.09

  • Others, possibly using Linux/iPAQ software

    But the Zaurus has a serial port, so something like the ThinkOutside Stowaway keyboard for the Palm could be used, as there's a hack to connect it to iPaq PDAs running Linux. (See this and this.)

    Source: Brian J. Fox

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  How do I enter the pound sterling (£) symbol on the keyboard?

  • Press and release the [Fn] key. Then press [Shift]+E together (Shift + E). (Pressing FN+Shift+E all together does not work)
    The UK Zaurii have a pound symbol above the E key pointing to this keyboard shortcut, however it should work on all US Sharp ROMs also.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.07

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·  How do I enter the Euro symbol on the keyboard?

  • Press and release the [Fn] key. Then press [Shift]+R together (Shift + R). (Pressing FN+Shift+R all together does not work)
    The UK Zaurii have a Euro symbol above the R key pointing to this keyboard shortcut, however it should work on all US Sharp ROMs also.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.07

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·  How do I send CTRL+C in the console (i.e. without Qtopia running)

  • Strangely this is the Calendar button + C.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.08

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·  I've upgraded to the Sharp 3.10 ROM (or one of it's alternatives - tkcROM, etc), and I no longer have the pickboard. How do I get it back?

  • The word library is missing

    Install the Word Game ipk, that's where the word library is located.

    Source: gerrynjr
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.09

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·  Does the Zaurus keyboard have a Caps Lock or Num Lock feature?

  • Yes both Caps Lock and Num Lock

    To turn on Caps Lock, press [Fn]+[Tab/Caps]. A small 'c' should appear to the right of the clock, indicating it is on. To turn it off, press [Fn]+[Tab/Caps] again.

    To turn on Num Lock, press [Fn]+'/?'. A small 'N' should appear to the right of the clock, indicating it is on. To turn it off, press [Fn]+'/?' again.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.13

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·  Do I have to type out these long commands all the time/is there a faster way to change directories while using the terminal?

  • use tab completion
    The Zaurus has tab complition just like desktop linux boxes. Just type part of the name of the directory or command and hit the [Tab/Caps] key (its right next to the [Fn] key) If there are more than one matching command or directory it'll beep at you and you can hit the tab key twice to see all the matches.

    Source: w8tvi
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.24

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