Answer |
· I think my FN key is stuck / I can't type normal characters on the keyboard!
- NUM-lock is activated
A small should be visible on the very bottom right of the screen (to the right of the current time, on the taskbar). Pushing 'NUM-lock' (press + ) again will disable function lock: the should disappear, and the keys will work as expected.
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· I think my SHIFT key is stuck / I can't type lowercase characters on the keyboard!
- CAPS-lock is activated
A small should be visible on the very bottom right of the screen (to the right of the current time, on the taskbar). Pushing 'CAPS-lock' (press + ) again will disable caps-lock: the should disappear, and the keys will work as expected.
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· How do I make a | (vertical bar, or pipe) using the keyboard?
- Qtopia: Press SHIFT + SPACE
In Qtopia (the normal, graphical environment), hold one of the keys and push .
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
- Console: Press FN + SPACE
In text-only console mode, push or hold the key and push .
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· How do I make [ and ] (brackets) using the keyboard?
- Press SHIFT + FN and Del or Comma
To get an open bracket ("["), push and hold and , and press .
To get a close bracket ("]"), push and hold and , and press .
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· How do I make { and } (braces) using the keyboard?
- Press SHIFT + FN + < and >
To get an open brace ("{"), push and hold and , and press .
To get a close brace ("}"), push and hold and , and press .
Last updated: 2002.Apr.01
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· How do I make a ` (grave) using the keyboard?
- Press SHIFT + FN + Space
To get a grave ("`"; normally left of the 1 key on US keyboards), push and hold and , and press .
Source: Stefan Kremer
Last updated: 2002.Apr.17
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· How do I make a ^ (caret) using the keyboard?
- Press SHIFT + FN + Quote
To get a carat ("^"), push and hold and , and press .
Source: Stefan Kremer
Last updated: 2002.Apr.17
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· How do I make a \ (backslash) using the keyboard?
- Press SHIFT + TAB
Hold and press . Note: This doesn't work in single-line input fields or some versions of the !
Source: (Many people)
Last updated: 2002.Nov.21
- Get 'Custom Input' application
The Custom Input application lets you set up customized keyboard shortcuts on the hardware keyboard (as well as customize the on-screen keyboard.)
Source: Colin Pinkney
Last updated: 2002.Aug.05
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· Where's the Escape key?
- Press Cancel
The button on the panel acts as the Escape key.
Last updated: 2002.Mar.28
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· How do I send CONTROL characters (to the Terminal, for example) using the keyboard?
- Press FN + SHIFT + Key
In Qtopia, all CONTROL-A through CONTROL-Z characters (except CONTROL-C) can be sent by holding both and while pressing the letter.
CONTROL-C can be made by pushing just and .
(CONTROL-Z, -X, and -V can be entered with just , as well)
Applies to: QWERTY keyboard models
Last updated: 2002.Apr.05
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· Can I use a regular or stow-away keyboard with the Zaurus?
- PocketTop folding IR keyboard
A keyboard for iPAQs that also officially supports the Zaurus. Folds in two halves. About USD$90 from
Last updated: 2003.Jun.09
- Man and Machine rolling wired keyboard
A rubbery keyboard that can roll up like a newspaper. FX100, about USD$80.
Last updated: 2003.Jun.09
- Others, possibly using Linux/iPAQ software
But the Zaurus has a serial port, so something like the ThinkOutside Stowaway keyboard for the Palm could be used, as there's a hack to connect it to iPaq PDAs running Linux. (See this and this.)
Source: Brian J. Fox
Last updated: 2002.Apr.01
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· How do I enter the pound sterling (£) symbol on the keyboard?
- Press and release the
key. Then press +E together (Shift + E). (Pressing FN+Shift+E all together does not work)
The UK Zaurii have a pound symbol above the E key pointing to this keyboard shortcut, however it should work on all US Sharp ROMs also.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.07
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· How do I enter the Euro symbol on the keyboard?
- Press and release the
key. Then press +R together (Shift + R). (Pressing FN+Shift+R all together does not work)
The UK Zaurii have a Euro symbol above the R key pointing to this keyboard shortcut, however it should work on all US Sharp ROMs also.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.07
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· How do I send CTRL+C in the console (i.e. without Qtopia running)
- Strangely this is the Calendar button + C.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.08
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· I've upgraded to the Sharp 3.10 ROM (or one of it's alternatives - tkcROM, etc), and I no longer have the pickboard. How do I get it back?
- The word library is missing
Install the Word Game ipk, that's where the word library is located.
Source: gerrynjr
Last updated: 2003.Oct.09
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· Does the Zaurus keyboard have a Caps Lock or Num Lock feature?
- Yes both Caps Lock and Num Lock
To turn on Caps Lock, press + . A small 'c' should appear to the right of the clock, indicating it is on. To turn it off, press + again.
To turn on Num Lock, press +'/?'. A small 'N' should appear to the right of the clock, indicating it is on. To turn it off, press +'/?' again.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.13
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· Do I have to type out these long commands all the time/is there a faster way to change directories while using the terminal?
- use tab completion
The Zaurus has tab complition just like desktop linux boxes. Just type part of the name of the directory or command and hit the key (its right next to the key) If there are more than one matching command or directory it'll beep at you and you can hit the tab key twice to see all the matches.
Source: w8tvi
Last updated: 2003.Oct.24
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