Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
Category: Main -> Zaurus Java FAQ -> Virtual Machines
Answer |
· What virtual machines exist for the Zaurus?
- As the Zaurus is still an immature platform, there are currently only a few of publicly available virtual machines. Here are some virtual machine vendors in no particular order:
* Jeode from Insignia (PersonalJava1.2 only, bundled with Zaurus) Sold to Esmertec
* Blackdown from Blackdown (J2SE, ARM-platform, not Zaurus specific)
* (DEAD) XOE from Transvirtual (available from Kaffe.org ftp here)
* Intent from the Tao Group (PersonalJava1.2, ROM replacement)
* J9 from IBM (bundled with their J2ME sdk) No ARM gui libraries available at the moment
* J2ME from Sun Microsystems (J2ME, available on request)
* Wonka from Acunia (Java2, Source/Binaries, directfb/headless)
* PERC from NewMonics Inc.
* Kaffe from Kaffe.org.
* Waba from WabaSoft.
* Ewe from EweSoft.(based on Waba)
* JamVM from JamVM.(ARM port in progress)
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· Is J2ME supported on the Zaurus?
- The J2ME virtual machine is now available from Sun Microsystems, albeit with severe restrictions as it is not on general release:
"Note that this software is for evaluation only; it is not supported and cannot be used in a product. This release is for you if you are interested in the leading edge of Personal Profile technology and would like to see a high-performance, optimized implementation."
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· Is J2SE available for the Zaurus?
- Although SavaJe provide a complete J2SE 1.3.1 implementation for the ARM platform and is available for the Compaq Ipaq, it has not been ported to the Zaurus.
Blackdown also seems to have an ARM port of its Java 1.3.0 virtual machine present on its mirrors.
Note that this vm will most likely have the native peers working under X, not Qtopia.
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