Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
Category: Main -> Zaurus Java FAQ -> Qtopia Integration
Answer |
· How well is Java integrated into Qtopia?
- In terms of looks, rather well... components look like they belong, they change shape dynamically on theme changes, but unfortunately don't change colour. Theme changes that occur before the Java VM starts will take effect without problem.
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· Can I use the full screen area?
- The Jeode VM provided on the Zaurus implements the PersonalJava 1.2 spec (equivalent to jdk1.1.8). It is therefore not possible to achieve the following aims through 100% Java methods and purely programmatic means:
* Fullscreen rendering (Java 1.4)
* Maximised Frames/Windows (Java 1.4)
* Iconised Frames (Java 1.4)
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· How do I get the button to show?
- Helpfiles can be written in normal html, taking care to keep the small screen format in mind.
To have the button show up on your application titlebar, all you need do is name your main html file the same name as your application, so with an application named runmyapp your main html file would be called runmyapp.html.
The reason for this naming convention is that when your script calls the virtual machine, the -Xappname argument is used with your application name as the parameter, this name is then used for the taskbar icon and... you guessed it, the main helpfile.
This html file (and all the others you need) should be placed in the
directory, replacing en with any other language code as necessary.
If your html pages require images, you should link to them using relative URLs. You can place your images in subdirectories, as long as the url is relative.
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· Can I run my application maximized?
- The only way to run apps maximized is to set their size to the size of the screen.
Note that the application can unfortunately still be dragged and moved! Using a Window and sizing to the size of the screen is not a solution as it is not possible to programmatically position the Window at 0,0 in the Jeode VM. The Jeode VM will shift your Window down by the height of a titlebar even if none is present.
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· Why doesn't my application have a taskbar icon?
The taskbar icon
(white icon highlight added for emphasis) which is visible for all applications under Qtopia doesn't use any of the normal JAva API or extensions. To get this icon to appear, you must provide a (non-standard, as indicated by the X prefix) commandline argument to the VM.
evm -XappName=myAppName
When called from a script, as is necessary for Java applications, the following shorthand can be used:
evm -XappName=$0
Where the $0 refers to the zeroth commandline argument, namely your script name.
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