Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)
Category: Main -> Getting Started With Your Z
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· I got a SL5600, I'm savvy with java and wanted to program with Personal Java, but I'm a starter with linux and I want to get familiar with the concept, basic commands and operation. I'm not ready to install linux on my pc for the moment, so I want to use my zaurus to learn. Do you have any reading suggestion (books, links...) on linux / embeded or something related to the SL5600?
- You don't need a Linux box to program in Personal Java. For most purposes, it is the same as Java 1.1.8 and uses standard AWT for a GUI. If you want, you can compile your Java apps on your Zaurus using the kopi jar. See the Java section of the FAQ for more details.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2004.Feb.9
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· Looking to get a set of instructions in English for the C760/C860. Can anyone help? Thanks, Dick.
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