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Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> System

·  How do I get a Shell prompt on this thing?
·  What does 'Flashing the Zaurus' mean?
·  How do I tell what ROM I have right now?
·  How do you flash the Zaurus?
·  Do I NEED a CF card to flash the Zaurus?
·  What kernel is it running?
·  Why does the system info. show 100% CPU usage?
·  Does memory work like on PalmOS?
·  Where's all the memory the Zaurus is supposed to have? (Shouldn't it total to 64MB?)
·  Why do I keep running out of memory?
·  Can I adjust the ratio of memory to storage?
·  How do I tell how long my Zaurus has been running?
·  Are any Linux-style logs stored on the Zaurus?
·  What shell does/can the Zaurus use?
·  Can I use AT or CRON to wake the Zaurus up?
·  How can I enable/disable servers and daemons?
·  What's the DIAG MENU?
·  I can only write to half of the Flash ROM on my SL-5600/SL-C7x0. Where's the other half?
·  How can I perform a soft reset of my Zaurus without losing any programs or saved data?
·  How do I change the hostname with the Sharp SL-5500 3.x ROM (including derived ROMs) or a later Zaurus model?
·  How do I reboot the Zaurus?
·  How do I use the Backup/Restore feature?
·  What is the 'root' user's password?
·  Hi there. I am new with zaurus and I really impressed, a simple question for others, I can not do a lot of things because it looks I can not log as root, it is there a way to do it?thanks

·  How do I get a Shell prompt on this thing?

  • Install the Terminal program

    By default, the Zaurus (and most Sharp-released software updates) do not come with a terminal program you can use to get a shell prompt to run the familiar Linux commands (like 'ls', 'cp', 'ping', etc.).

    The standard 'Terminal' program (an embedded version of the KDE project's "Konsole") is available from the MyZaurus.com 'Downloads' page.

    A useful alternative to Sharp's Terminal is a version which contains 'tabs', allowing you to run multiple terminals in one window. Embedded-Konsole-Tabs is available at the Zaurus SourceForge project site.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

  • Go into console mode

    When the Zaurus first boots up, before the 'Zaurus' logo appears, there is a text screen containing boot-up messages. At one point, it says "Wait...". If you push the [/?/Num] key, and then select the "a" option, you'll be given a log-in prompt.

    If you'd rather not reboot the Zaurus, you can simply drop to text mode and get to the "Wait..." prompt by running the 'Shutdown' app., and select the "Terminate Qtopia" option.

    When you're done in the console, you can simply issue an "exit" command and you'll return to the "Wait..." prompt. Wait about 5 seconds, or push [Enter/>] or [OK] and the graphical Qtopia environment will start back up.

    Last updated: 2002.May.30

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·  What does 'Flashing the Zaurus' mean?

  • Installing a new/upgraded set of base software

    When Sharp releases updates to the core software for the Zaurus (the Linux kernel, drivers, and standard applications) on their download site, or when third parties (like the Open Source project OpenZaurus release alternative updates, you install them by copying them to the 16MB FlashROM inside the Zaurus.

    When you reboot, the new system will 'unpack' itself into RAM and you'll have an upgraded Zaurus! (Note: Flashing typically, but not always, causes all of your current data and installed programs to be wiped, so you'll want to sync or back-up first!)

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.29

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·  How do I tell what ROM I have right now?

  • System Info. will tell you.

    The 'System Info' application will usually show you, under the 'Version' tab. (If it doesn't show you, you're running 1.02, and really SHOULD update.)

    Applies to: ROM(s) 1.10 and later

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

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·  How do you flash the Zaurus?

  • Copy a ROM-image to a CF card and do a special reboot

    The 'README' text file that typically comes along with a ROM-image explains all of this, but to summarize:
    1. Back up your data, if you don't want it lost forever!
    2. Switch 'Battery Cover Lock' to 'Replace Battery' and remove the battery cover.
    3. Connect the Zaurus to A/C power
    4. Press and hold the [C/Copy] + [D/#] keys, and push [Fulll Reset] on the back of the Zaurus.
    5. Wait for the 'Email LED' and 'Power LED' lights to turn off (it should take about 3 minutes)
    6. Push [Fulll Reset] again
    7. Replace battery cover and switch 'Battery Cover Lock' back to 'Normal Operation'
    8. Push and hold [Cancel/On/Off] to turn the Zaurus back on.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

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·  Do I NEED a CF card to flash the Zaurus?

  • Yes - They can only be flashed using CF cards

    You must have a recognized, Windows format (FAT16) CF memory card to flash the Zaurus. SD cards won't work, and you currently can not do it via the USB cradle or a serial cable. (Note: People have also used CF microdrives.)

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  What kernel is it running?

  • A 2.4 Linux Kernel

    ROM 1.12/1.13 uses 2.4.6

    Applies to: SL-5500 running ROM(s) 1.12/1.13

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

  • 2.46 or 2.4.18 Kernel

    Sharp ROMs 2.x and 1.x for the SL5500 and SL5000D respectively use the Linux kernel 2.4.6

    Sharp ROMs 3.x for the SL5500 and all newer Zaurii models use the Linux kernel 2.4.18

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

  • Check under System Info.

    Launch the 'System Info' application, and go to the "Version" tab.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

  • Check using the 'uname' command

    Open the 'Terminal', and then run the command 'uname -a' to get the exact version of the Linux Kernel running on your Zaurus.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.30

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·  Why does the system info. show 100% CPU usage?

  • This is to save power

    100% System CPU usage (the green line) in the 'System Info' display is normal. This is the Linux kernel process, "kapm-idled." When it is 'running,' the CPU is actually halted and not drawing power. It's perfectly normal. As other actual applications require CPU, the red line will go up, and the green line typically goes down the same amount.

    Source: Roy Murphy

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

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·  Does memory work like on PalmOS?

  • No - Memory and storage are split, like regular computers

    Unlike PalmOS, where memory (for running programs) and storage space (for installing programs and storing databases (the Palm's application-centric method for storing data, instead of using files)) are shared, the Zaurus splits the 64MB of RAM between memory (for running programs), and storage (for a Linux "ext2" filesystem).

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  Where's all the memory the Zaurus is supposed to have? (Shouldn't it total to 64MB?)

  • Half of it is being used for storage

    Of the 64MB on the Zaurus SL-5500 (32MB on the SL-5000D), typically half of it is used for storage. If you add the total memory with the total internal storage (listed in the 'System Info' app.), it should add up to just under 64MB.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

  • The 16MB ROM is read-only

    The 16MB ROM in the Zaurus is not what is listed as "Internal Storage" in the 'System Info' app. It contains the base system, including the built-in applications (look in "/usr/QtPalmtop.rom/", for example), and is not writable. (It is only ever written to when you flash the Zaurus. See above.)

    Source: David Hedbor

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

  • Available memory includes "Cached" as well as "Free"

    When looking in the 'System Info' app. under the "Memory" tab, only the red, "Used" part of the memory is actually not available. To get an idea of how much RAM is available for new programs to use, total up all of the other values, not just the dark blue "Free" part.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  Why do I keep running out of memory?

  • The SL-5000D (developer model) Zaurus has only 32MB of RAM.

    Some of the Sharp ROMs (1.10, 1.12) split this RAM up more evenly, providing less RAM for programs to run in (memory), and more space for programs and files to be installed in (filesystem).

    Try using a different ROM which provides more RAM, or use a 'hacked' ROM (like those made by Paul Flinders) which use an SD card for the entire filesystem, leaving almost all 32MB of RAM available for programs to run in.

    Applies to: SL-5000D running ROM(s) 1.10/1.12

    Last updated: 2002.May.20

  • Run fewer programs in "Fast load" mode.

    Click-and-hold the icon for an application in the 'Applications' tab and un-check the "Fast load (consumes memory)" option.

    By default, most ROMs have the 'Address Book', 'Calendar' and 'Todo List' applications set to "Fast load".

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

  • Better memory management in 3.x ROMs

    The 2.4.6 kernel on the SL5500 2.x ROMs did not manage memory very well. Flashing to the latest 3.x Sharp ROM gives a huge improvment in memory management.

    Source: tumnus
    Last Updated: 2003.Oct.09

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·  Can I adjust the ratio of memory to storage?

  • SL-5000D users can use a different ROM

    See above: "The SL-5000D (developer model) Zaurus has only 32MB of RAM".

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.07

  • Create a swapfile in Internal storage

    Creating a swapfile in internal storage will provide more space for programs to run (virtual memory), while using some of the storage space. While a swapfile on the ramdisk is less efficient than actually changing the ratio of memory-to-storage, it is more flexible (no need to install a new ROM, and it can be done without rebooting).

    See "Set up a 'swap' file on the card" under the
    Expansion Slots and Cards section.

    Source: Howard R. Abbey

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.07

  • OZ provides options

    ROMs such as OpenZaurus provide kernels with different configurations of the memory ratio.

    Source: tumnus
    Last Updated: 2003.Oct.09

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·  How do I tell how long my Zaurus has been running?

  • Run 'uptime'

    If you launch the 'Terminal' and run the Unix command "uptime", it will show you how long the Zaurus has been running - that is, unsuspended (like you'd see on a Linux laptop). Unfortunately, this is not the same as the uptime on a desktop - the amount of since the system was last rebooted.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

  • Run 'last'

    If you launch the 'Terminal' and run the Unix command "last", it will show you a log of what users have recently logged into your Zaurus (e.g., over a network connection) as well as when the system was rebooted. Unfortunately, since the time and date is not set the very first time the Zaurus is booted (or booted after flashing the ROM), the first reboot date will be inaccurate.

    Source: Brian J. Fox

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

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·  Are any Linux-style logs stored on the Zaurus?

  • You can activate /var/log/messages

    From the 'Terminal', issue the command "/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog start", and system messages will go into the file /var/log/messages.

    Be sure to turn this off when you're done, because logs can consume lots of storage space! Just issue: "/etc/rc.d/init.d/syslog stop".

    Source: Doug Davis

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.24

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·  What shell does/can the Zaurus use?

  • BASH


    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

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·  Can I use AT or CRON to wake the Zaurus up?

  • Use uschedule


    Last updated: 2002.Apr.07

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·  How can I enable/disable servers and daemons?

  • Use Server Manager

    This application lets you turn on and off telnet, the SSH server, and the Boa web server, if you want to.

    Source: Benjamin Meyer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.22

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·  What's the DIAG MENU?

  • Some undocumented Sharp booting sequence

    See the thread here.

    Source: Chris Clark

  • Quick shortcut to the Cxx0 DIAG menu

    Be careful in the DIAG menu as you can quite easily total your nice Zaurus. First of all make sure the back cover is unlocked and not present, the battery is removed and there's no AC power then wait 5 seconds. Then, while in this stripped down state, open up the display fully and support it with your left hand, then with your right hand place your first 2 fingers on D and M respectively while using your thumb underneath to help keep these buttons down and support the Z, then with your left hand insert the battery. Wait 2 seconds and the DIAG menu will come up, no need to lock the battery or press the power button!
    Remember to be careful, and to get out of the DIAG menu just pull the battery out, wait 5 seconds and then reassemble your Cxx0 fully.

    Source: Foxdie

    Last updated: 2003.Dec.17

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·  I can only write to half of the Flash ROM on my SL-5600/SL-C7x0. Where's the other half?

  • The other half of Flash ROM is used for the OS software and is not user writable.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.13

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·  How can I perform a soft reset of my Zaurus without losing any programs or saved data?

  • Flick the switch on the back

    On the back of your Zaurus in the bottom right there is a switch for unlocking the battery cover to replace the battery. If you flick this switch to the 'Replace Battery' position and back to 'Normal Operation', this will perform a soft reset. To start it up again press the On/Off button and your Zaurus will boot up. Note that any unsaved data will be lost as it is like pressing the reset button on your PC.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.13

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·  How do I change the hostname with the Sharp SL-5500 3.x ROM (including derived ROMs) or a later Zaurus model?

  • Check /etc/HOSTNAME

    The hostname is set in the file /etc/HOSTNAME. You must switch to root to edit it. To make it take effect you can either reboot or run the command:


    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.28

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·  How do I reboot the Zaurus?

  • There are 2 ways...

    Sometimes, just like a PC, the Zaurus needs to be rebooted. A simple reboot of the Zaurus can solve many issues you may experience with your Zaurus. To reboot, you go into Settings, then Shutdown, and choose ?Reboot?. This is similar to a PC and it should restore many of the settings to help the system work effectively again.

    Or while in the terminal, you can type in:

    shutdown -r now
    (depending on which ROM you use, you may need to be root)

    Souce: happy123 (copied from myzaurus.com)
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.31

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·  How do I use the Backup/Restore feature?

  • You can use the Backup/Restore feature to save all your applications and information and reload it later. However, this feature doesn't restore files. You should be sure to save audio, video, .DOC, .XLS, and other files before using the Backup/Restore feature.

    To use the Backup/Restore feature:

    Step 1:
    Acquire a CF or SD memory card large enough to hold the information on the Zaurus. (A memory card larger than 64Megs is recommended.)

    Step 2:
    Click on the Setting tab and the Backup/Restore icon.

    Step 3:
    Click the Backup or Restore radio button and then click the CF or SD memory card radio button and finally click the start button.

    To Restore simply follow the same procedures in steps 1 - 3 above, but choose the restore radio button. Remember that any changes you've made between the time of the Backup and Restore will be lost.

    Source: badger (copied from myzaurus.com)
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.31

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·  What is the 'root' user's password?

  • If you have a SL-5000D using the Sharp 1.x ROM or a SL-5500 using the Sharp 2.x ROM

    then the root password is blank by default. You can set one in the terminal by using the 'passwd' command, but this does not affect syncing as the FTP server still accepts a blank password for the root user.

  • If you have a SL-5500 using the Sharp 3.x ROM (or a derived ROM) or any later Zaurus model

    then the root password is also blank by default, but is set to the passcode when you enter one using the Security application on your Zaurus. This does affect syncing, but you can specify the passcode in the Zaurus Manager application on your PC. It does not affect Samba, however, which still lets you in as a guest user.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.31

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·  Hi there. I am new with zaurus and I really impressed, a simple question for others, I can not do a lot of things because it looks I can not log as root, it is there a way to do it?thanks

Open a console, su, password is eaither blank or the security code if you set one.

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