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Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> Programming

·  What languages can I use to program my Zaurus?
·  What languages can I use ON my Zaurus?
·  What editors can I use to program the Zaurus?
·  How do I make my Qtopia application 'Fast-Load'-able?
·  How can I add Help pages for my application?
·  Where can I learn more about programming the Zaurus?
·  Is there any commercial IDE for the Zaurus?
·  Are there any books I can read for information on how to program with Qtopia?
·  Can i try development on the Zaurus without actually changing my workstation's setup?

·  What languages can I use to program my Zaurus?

  • C++

    You can program Qtopia applications using C++, and then cross-compile them for the Zaurus. ...

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

  • C

    Plain text console programs, and programs written to use the Framebuffer, or using SDL, for example, can be written in C, and then cross-compiled for the Zaurus.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

  • Java

    Since the Zaurus comes, by default, with a Java Virtual Machine (Insignia's "Jeode"), you can run Java programs on it. (No cross-compiling is needed, of course!)

    Applies to: ROM(s) Official Sharp ROMs

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

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·  What languages can I use ON my Zaurus?

  • Shell scripting (eg, BASH)

    By default, the Zaurus comes with the BASH shell, so you can write BASH shell scripts on the Zaurus.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

  • C and C++

    If you have 20MB of space available on a CF or SD card, you can install ZGCC, a build of the GNU C and C++ compilers which run on the Zaurus! (People have even had luck compiling Qtopia applications using it!)

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

  • Java

    IBM's Jikes editor, which is available on ZaurusZone.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

  • Perl

    You can also get Perl from the Debian project, here. Be sure to get the "*_arm.deb" packages (e.g., "perl-base_5.6.1-7_arm.deb" and "perl_5.6.1-7-arm.deb").

    Then open the 'Terminal' and use the command "dpkg-deb -xX ..._arm.deb" to unpack it. It will end up in a "DEBIAN" directory. Use the Unix "mv" to move the files (...) and create symlinks, if needed.

    Source: Yu-Phing Ong

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.08

  • Python

    http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/ provides selever IPKs of Python sized for the Zaurus. They also furnish the PyQt Python binding for Qtopia, which allows you to program Qt applications using Python!

    Source: Gilles Fedak

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

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·  What editors can I use to program the Zaurus?

  • VI

    The VI editor comes with the Zaurus. You can just open a 'Terminal' and type "vi filename".

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.01

  • tkcEditor

    theKompany.com has a commercial editor for the Zaurus which does color syntax highlighting for a number of languages (PHP, SQL, HTML, C/C++, XML, Python, Perl, DTML (Zope) and ColdFusion), has word-completion, vertical and horizontal selection, and other programmer-friendly features. It's available here.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

  • EIDE

    The EIDE editor, written in Java, is an editor for developing Java programs which can be used on the Zaurus. It is available here

    Source: Jim Murff

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.13

  • XiTE

    XiTE is a port of the Scintilla source code editor.

    Source: Giles Fedak

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.06

  • TinyKate

    TinyKate is a port of Kate is available in the Opie feeds.

    Source: tumnus

    Last updated: 2003.Oct.09

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·  How do I make my Qtopia application 'Fast-Load'-able?

  • Don't call qApp->quit()

    In your C++ source, make sure that you simply close the window for your application, rather than quitting it completely with "qApp->quit();". You should also call "showMainWidget()" on the QPEApplication instance, rather than on the QApplication-inherited "setMainWidget()".

    Source: Kent Sandvik

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

  • Add CanFastload=1 to the application's .desktop file

    The "Fast-Load" feature is enabled or disabled on a per-application basis. Add the following line to your application's ".desktop" file to enable it:


    Source: Kent Sandvik

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

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·  How can I add Help pages for my application?

  • Place English HTML files in /opt/Qtopia/help/html

    Place your HTML help files in the directory "/opt/Qtopia/help/html". Name the file the same as the executable, with ".html" at the end. (e.g., "coolprog"'s help file would be "/opt/Qtopia/help/html/coolprog.html")

    Source: Kent Sandvik, Ben Hui

    Last updated: 2003.Jun.09

  • Place non-English versions in /opt/Qtopia/help/lang/html

    Place your HTML help files in the directory "/opt/Qtopia/help/lang/html", where lange is the code for the language (e.g., "de" for German).

    Source: Kent Sandvik

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.10

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·  Where can I learn more about programming the Zaurus?

  • How to create packages ('.ipk') for the Zaurus

    This HOWTO at Docs.Zaurus.com explains the package format.

    Source: Benjamin Meyer

    Last updated: 2003.Jun.09

  • How to set up your development environment (under Linux)

    This HOWTO explains how to set up the cross-compiler and development environment to compile Zaurus applications using a Linux desktop.

    Source: Benjamin Meyer

    Last updated: 2003.Jun.09

  • How to compile Qtopia programs on the Zaurus

    If you have ZGCC installed (see above), this HOWTO explains how you can compile Qtopia apps, too!

    Source: Jim Murff

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.20

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·  Is there any commercial IDE for the Zaurus?

  • Metrowerks just released CodeWarrior for the Zaurus for Windows. There is also ZaurusBuilder for Borland JBuilder for packaging and testing Java applications for the Zaurus.

    Source: tumnus
    Last Updated: 2003.Oct.09

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·  Are there any books I can read for information on how to program with Qtopia?

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·  Can i try development on the Zaurus without actually changing my workstation's setup?

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