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Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> Migration from PalmOS

·  How can I move my Address book from the Palm to the Zaurus?
·  How can I move my Todo List from the Palm to the Zaurus?
·  How can I move my Memo pad texts to the Zaurus?
·  How can I move my Calendar from the Palm to the Zaurus?
·  How do I transfer my contacts and keep them in their categories?

·  How can I move my Address book from the Palm to the Zaurus?

  • Beam it

    If you don't select any items in the Addressbook, and then select "Beam Category" on the Palm, everything is neatly beamed across. (Be sure to enable beam receive on the Zaurus!) Note: Do not beam the "All" category; each category must be selected on the Palm and then you can do a Beam-Category operation. Categories are lost in transmission, even if you pre-define them on the Zaurus, because the vCard 2.1 standard (used by both devices when communicating) does not have categories.

    Source: Stefan C. Kremer, Paul E. Baclace

    Last updated: 2002.Aug.21

  • Use Palm2Zaurus

    Palm2Zaurus, a Perl script, will convert your Palm addressbook from the ".pdb" format (which you get when you download it from your Palm to your desktop) into the XML format used on the Zaurus. It is available here.

    Source: Thaddeus Selden

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.13

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·  How can I move my Todo List from the Palm to the Zaurus?

  • Beam it

    If you don't select any items in the Todo List, and then select "Beam Category" on the Palm, everything is neatly beamed across. (Be sure to enable beam receive on the Zaurus!) Note: Do not beam the "All" category; each category must be selected on the Palm and then you can do a Beam-Category operation. Categories are lost in transmission, even if you pre-define them on the Zaurus, because the vCard 2.1 standard (used by both devices when communicating) does not have categories.

    Source: Stefan C. Kremer, Paul E. Baclace

    Last updated: 2002.Aug.21

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·  How can I move my Memo pad texts to the Zaurus?

  • Beam them

    You can beam your notes, one at a time, to the Zaurus. (If you do a "Beam Category" on the Palm, unfortunately they will all be concatenated to one large note on the Zaurus.) (Be sure to enable beam receive on the Zaurus!)

    Source: Stefan C. Kremer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.13

  • Download them to your PC, then upload them to your Zaurus

    Get your Memo pad entries on your PC, each as its own file, then upload them to your Zaurus.

    If you use FTP or SCP, instead of syncing them with Intellisync or QtopiaDesktop, you'll want to place the text files in "/home/root/Documents/text/plain/" on the Zaurus.

    Last updated: 2002.May.30

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·  How can I move my Calendar from the Palm to the Zaurus?

  • Import the Palm's Calendar file using QtopiaDesktop

    It appears that the QtopiaDesktop application can import the ".dba" calendar archive created by the "Palm Desktop" software for Palms.

    Source: Stefan Kremer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.17

  • Beam each entry

    Unfortunately, you can only beam Calendar entries one at a time, which can be tedious. (Be sure to enable beam receive on the Zaurus!)

    Source: Stefan C. Kremer

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.13

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·  How do I transfer my contacts and keep them in their categories?

  • Follow these instructions:

    It has been reported that you can transfer your contacts from a Palm and still maintain their categories on the Zaurus. First, make a list of all the categories on the Palm. Second, Open the Zaurus Address Book and Click Data --> New Address. Next to the Categories field, you will see a button that looks like a row of books, click this to go to the Edit Categories page. Add all the categories that you compiled from your Palm device (case is important!). Now, sync your palm with Microsoft Outlook. Make sure you sync Your contacts list. Now uninstall the Palm software and install the Intelisync software for the Zaurus. Make sure to syncronize your contacts. Now syncronize the Zaurus. All contacts should be added to the Zaurus AND they should be in the right categories as well.

    Source: plasticrobotz

    Last updated: 2002.Dec.18

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