Answer |
· Can I sync with a Macintosh?
- Using ZOSX Sync
Check out OSX Zaurus Links.
Source: Daryl Moulder
Last updated: 2003.Jun.09
- Use the raw XML files.
The older Zaurus PIM applications (SL-5500) store their data in XML format. One could presumably FTP them from the Zaurus (under the "/home/root/Applications/" directory) and then parse the XML (perhaps using Perl, which comes with MacOSX) and convert it into something compatible with desktop software.
Applies to: SL-5000D, SL-5500
Last updated: 2002.Mar.29
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· Can I sync with Linux?
- Yes, using QtopiaDesktop
Trolltech has created "QtopiaDesktop" for Linux, which will let you sync the PIM software and transfer files and programs to/from the Zaurus.
Last updated: 2002.Apr.03
- Not with Evolution, at the moment
There are currently no plans from Ximian for Evolution to support the Zaurus. Open Source developers are working on this, however. There is already a Perl script which will sync the Zaurus' calendar with Evolution, here.
Applies to ROMs =< 2.38
Source: Chayim I. Kirshen, Roger Leardi
Last updated: 2002.Apr.10
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· Can I connect USB devices to my Zaurus?
- With a CF-based USB card
The Zaurus has a USB device controller, not a USB host controller, so you can't connect things directly. However, Interpocket has a USB host CF card that works with the Zaurus!
Source: Alex Teslik, Colin Marquardt
Last updated: 2003.Jun.09
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· I can't seem to transfer large files to/from my Zaurus
- Under Linux, use usb-uhci.o Kernel module
People have reported that using the "usb-uhci.o" Kernel module, rather than the "uhci.o" one, will help with problems like this that occur using the USB cradle under Linux.
Source: David J. Kessler
Last updated: 2002.Apr.01
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· My desktop stops recognizing my Zaurus if I take it out, or it goes to sleep
- Connect the A/C adapter to the cradle
The Zaurus won't go to sleep if it's connected to wall power.
Last updated: 2002.Apr.03
- Push the 'Sync' button on the cradle
Pushing the button on the cradle typically helps the desktop re-register the Zaurus over the USB connection.
Last updated: 2002.Apr.03
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· Nothing happens when I try to sync using Windows
- Disable Personal Firewall
Some versions of Windows (e.g., WinXP) might be 'protecting' you from your Zaurus. Try adjusting the settings or disabling the firewall altogether and see if that helps.
Source: B.C., post on Slashdot
Last updated: 2002.Apr.04
- Try connecting to a powered USB hub
Where in your USB chain do you have the Zaurus hooked up to? If it is hooked up to an unpowered hub, try moving it to a powered one, or directly to your PC.
Source: Mookie Kong
Last updated: 2002.Apr.06
- Try rebooting the Zaurus
For some reason, this sometimes helps. Reboot the Zaurus from the 'Shutdown' application.
Source: Stephan Kremer
Last updated: 2002.Apr.17
Under Windows XP, try disabling and reenabling the connection
- Follow the directions in the manual to set up the USB device
- If step 1 went ok, you should have another local area connection called "SL Series (NDIS 5)"
- If at first the Zaurus and XP do not communicate (e.g., no inbound packets can get through), continue...
- Try right-clicking the new connection and select "Disable" and then "Enable". At this point, they should start talking
- From this point on, when you put the Zaurus in the cradle, the connection should get re-established, and things should work fine.
One thing to remember, you have to turn on the Zaurus to get the connection established.
Source: Danny Hyun
Last updated: 2002.Apr.10
- Change your connection settings
One thing to try is swap between the connection method USB I/O and USB TCP/ IP.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.13
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· How do I use the cradle under Windows?
For TCP/IP over USB under Windows 2000
- Configure Windows 2000 for connection sharing. In the Network control panel, select your normal Internet connection (properties). Selecting the sharing tab and click on 'Enable...', then select the Local Area Connection that connects to the Zaurus. This will force the USB interface (SL Network) to have an IP address of (netmask
- In the SL Intellisync, select "Communications Options..." and put in an IP address that's on the same subnet (e.g.,
- On the Zaurus, set up your Internet connection ('Internet Wizard' under 'Settings') to have that same IP address (, and netmask ( You probably should also set the default route as the IP address that Windows assigned (
- Put your DNS entries into the Zaurus
- At this point, the Zaurus should be able to communicate. If it cannot, execute this command in

route add -net gw
- If you have a proxy server, Opera does not support the automatic proxy configuratio, so you'll need to enter the HTTP and FTP proxies.
Source: Ben Hui
Last updated: 2002.Apr.17
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· How do I use the cradle under Linux?
Under SuSE 7.3...
- Get a 2.4.16 kernel update (with sources..) from
- Apply the usbdnet patches
- Configure the kernel as mentioned in the howto
- Compile new kernel and modules ('make' clean, dep, bzlilo, modules, and modules_install)
- Create new initrd (mk_initrd ; lilo)
- Edit
/etc/rc.config.d/hotplug.rc.config - it should read:
HOTPLUG_USB_HOSTCONTROLLER_LIST="uhci usb-uhci uhci usb-ohci ehci-hcd "
- Restart USB subsystem (run "
/etc/init.d/hotplug restart ")
Source: Dr. Christian Riede, Charles-Edouard Ruault
Last updated: 2002.Apr.18
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· It says I can sync with Outlook and PalmDesktop. Can I sync with Pilot-Link, J-Pilot, etc. under Linux?
- ...
Last updated: 2002.Apr.06
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· QtopiaDesktop for Linux crashes when I try to install it!
- It currently doesn't work with KDE 3.0
QtopiaDesktop appears to crash when running under KDE 3.0. Try setting your "LD_LIBRARY_PATH " environment variable to point to the directory that contains the libs that came with QtopiaDesktop. This will cause it to load the " " library that came with it, instead of the version installed by KDE3. (You'll also need to create a symlink from " " to " " in the directory containing the libraries shipped with QtopiaDesktop, if this hasn't been done already.)
Source: Jason Dixon, Dan Carter
Last updated: 2002.Apr.10
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· I heard you can't use the built-in keyboard with the serial cable plugged in
- You can now, thanks to SerialIO!
The company SerialIO now make a serial cable that lets you use the keyboard at the same time:
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.08
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· Can I use a USB keyboard or mouse, if I got an adapter?
- No, the Zaurus can't act as a USB host
The Zaurus was designed only as a USB device (client), and not a USB host (server)
Source: Benjamin Meyer
Last updated: 2002.Oct.14
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· Help! Everytime I try to sync my 5500, I get the message "USB Device Not Recognized". If I uninstall/reinstall everything, I can sync it on a limited basis. But, when I restart, it gives me the same error message.. am I doing anything Wrong?
Try the main USB ports, not USB hubs
The Zaurus seems to prefer the main USB ports on the back panel of your PC, if you are using one of the up front ports, please try using a back one. This will resolve your problem.
Source: gerrynjr
Last updated 2003.Oct.4
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· Can I sync under Linux with a SL5500 using the Sharp 3.x ROM or with a later Zaurus model?
- No, not currently
Currently, No. Sharp only released a Windows version of the Qtopia Desktop required to work with the new DTM PIM data file format and method of syncing used in the new ROMs.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.10
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· What's the difference between USB TCP/IP and USB I/O I see in the sync settings?
- USB TCP/IP is the more advanced connection and gives you a full network connection between your PC and your Zaurus, so you can do things like telnet into it as well as sync and file transfer. But because it is a full network connection it can be affected by things like firewalls.
USB I/O is a propriertary, but simpler, connection that still lets you sync and transfer files, but does not let you do things like telnet. USB I/O is not available with a Linux PC.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.13
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· I can sync with Intellisync, but not with Qtopia Desktop. Why?
- You can have one installed, but not both
Make sure you only have one of either Intellisync or Qtopia Desktop installed on your PC at any one time. Both must be completely uninstalled before trying another sync program.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.13
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· Can I sync my Zaurus with Lotus Notes?
- Yes via NotesSync
See the NotesSync website: Support for the latest ROMs is coming very soon.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.13
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· Why can't I sync my Zaurus using the Qtopia Desktop I downloaded from the Trolltech website?
- You probably either have a SL-5500 with the Sharp 3.1x ROM or a later Zaurus model which has an incompatible sync and PIM engine to Trolltech's standard software. With a SL-5500 with the Sharp 3.1x ROM or a later Zaurus model you can only use Sharp's version of Qtopia Desktop (v1.5.4) which Sharp have only released for Windows.
Source: tumnus
Last updated: 2003.Oct.30
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· How do I disable login to Exchange server prompts during synchronization?
- If you are prompted to login to an Exchange server during synchronization, you can disable the login prompts by first opening Outlook prior to synchronization. If you do not wish to open Outlook during synchronization, you can disable the Exchange server login request by performing the following on your PC.
1. Within Outlook, click on Tools then select Services
2. On the Services tab, select Microsoft Exchange Server, then select Properties.
3. On the General tab, select Automatically detect connection state
4. On the Advanced tab, select NT Password Authentication for the Logon Network Security window.
Source: badger (copied from
Last updated: 2003.Oct.31
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· Is there a form of platform agnostic syncing software?
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