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Zaurus User Group FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> IR Port

·  I can't seem to receive beams from other people.
·  How do I beam files/documents from my Zaurus?
·  Can the IR port be used to talk to cellphones?
·  Can the Zaurus be used as a remote control (e.g., for TVs)?

·  I can't seem to receive beams from other people.

  • Enable Beam Receive

    By default, to conserve battery life, the IR port doesn't listen for beaming all of the time (like some other PDAs do).
    Activate the IR port from the 'Beam Receive' application.

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

  • Turn the Zaurus on

    Even if Beam Receive is enabled, the Zaurus can't listen to the IR port unless it's turned on! (Push and hold the [Cancel/On/Off] button to wake it up.)

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

  • The IR port is on the left

    Remember, to make space for the CF slot at the top, the IR port on the Zaurus is on the lefthand side!

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

  • PocketPC users must beam from index

    The Zaurus can receive beamed contacts from a Pocket PC 2002 device. The Pocket PC 2002 transfers the contact information differently between the index view and the full contact view. The Zaurus can only receive the contact when it is beam from the index view.

    Source: MyZaurus.com

    Last updated: 2002.Mar.28

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·  How do I beam files/documents from my Zaurus?

  • Tap-and-hold the document icon

    In the 'Documents' tab of the Launcher, tap the icon of the file you wish to beam, and keep the stylus pressed on the screen for a few moments ('tap-and-hold'). A window will pop-up which includes a 'Beam' button at the bottom.

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.08

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·  Can the IR port be used to talk to cellphones?

  • Use the Network and Sync app.

    Using the 'Network and Sync' app., add an "IrDA - PPP" service, enter your ISP's dialup number, your username and password, and set the speed (e.g., 19200bps).

    Source: Herb Jellinek

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.07

  • People have reported success with a number of brands/models

    • Siemens S45, 115kbps over IR, 9600bps over Cellnet GSM(UK network)
    • Motorola Timeport family
    • Ericsson T68
    • Nokia 6210

    Source: Paul Flinders, Nick Williams, James Reader, Luciano Lavagno

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.08

  • With an Ericsson T68M, using, e.g., "Orange" service in the UK

    On the phone:

    1. Go to Menu => Connect => Data Comm => Data Accounts =>
      Add New Account.
    2. Select GPRS Data
    3. Give it a name
    4. Set the APN to "orangeinternet" (without quotes)
    5. Leave the user id and password blank.
    6. Save.
    7. Make a note of the CID of the connection, you'll need it later.

    On the Zaurus:

    1. Go to the tab and open 'Network and Sync'
    2. Go to the "Services" tab and click "Add"
    3. Select "Dial-up PPP"
    4. Leave username and password blank.
    5. In the phone number, enter "*99***(CID)#",
      where "CID" is the CID number from above
    6. On the "Modem" tab, the DNS server addresses are and
    7. On proxies, select "No Proxies"
    8. Save.

    Then turn the IR port on your phone on, and start the network connection from the toolbar. Once it connects you can start 'Opera Browser' and browse away.

    To change this to work with other service providers, all you should need are:

    • The APN your providor uses.
    • A username and password, if required
    • The DNS servers (although presumably any public DNS server could be used)
    • Possibly the correct dial string for the phone, although this format might be a GSM standard

    Source: James Reader

    Last updated: 2002.Apr.08

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·  Can the Zaurus be used as a remote control (e.g., for TVs)?

  • You can, but the range is very short

    You need to install the LIRC and OPIE-Remote packages, but the range is still very short. Make sure you get the correct version of LIRC for your ROM/kernel.

    Source: tumnus
    Last updated: 2003.Oct.08

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