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Announcement! Winners of the ZUG Documentation Contest!
Posted on Nov 01, 2003 - 12:20 AM by offroadgeek Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
Site UpdatesThanks to everyone who participated in the Documentation Contest! It was close, but the polls are officially closed, and the scores have been tallied:

Winner of the 1st place prize - SL-5600 - tumnus with 147 points!

Winner of the 2nd place prize - SL-5500 - gerrynjr with 92 points!

Winner of the 3rd place prize - SL-5000d - W8TVI with 89 points!

The following people will be entered into the drawing to win a SL-5500, and a second drawing for a Ambicom 56k CF Modem:

jmurff with 31 points
lardman with 19 points
corky with 9 points
victor with 3 points
happy123 with 3 points
badger with 3 points
r0bert with 3 points

The drawing will be held at the next SF ZUG meeting, and the winners will be announced that night!

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Announcement! Winners of the ZUG Documentation Contest! | Log-in or register a new user account | 2 Comments
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Re: Announcement! Winners of the ZUG Documentation Contest! (Score: 1)
by corky on Nov 01, 2003 - 06:20 AM

(User information | Send a message) http://
"The drawing will be held at the next SF ZUG meeting, and the winners will be announced that night!"

Any idea as to when that will be??

Re: Announcement! Winners of the ZUG Documentation Contest! (Score: 1)
by ([email protected])
on Nov 01, 2003 - 06:55 PM
(User information | Send a message) http://www.zaurususergroup.com
I'm hoping we'll have the next SF ZUG meeting in the next week or two... if it doesn't look like that will happen, I'll just do the drawing myself.