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Traveling with a Digital Swiss Army Knife - the Zaurus
Posted on Apr 30, 2005 - 08:55 PM by cvmiller Print Printer-friendly page  Email Send this story to someone
SL-6000 NewsThe Mission

Travel for two weeks in Europe, without the ubiquitous laptop, but still maintain laptop-like functionality. This trip would be light traveling indeed, just a digital camera, and a Zaurus (with accessories*).

What needs to be done

Although I used a SL-6000, most if not all these applications can be used on other Zauruii.
I needed the following while on the road:

  • Organize my photos: I wanted to organize my photos taken during the trip in a manner that would allow me to easily find them again: tkcGallery
  • Stay in touch with email: Securely with tkcMail and SSH
  • Edit some of the best photos, and upload them to my web server: Hancom Mobile Paint and SCP
  • Listen to ripped oggs (from my CD library) during the long flights: tkcPlayer
  • War-Walk while on the trip: Kismet
  • Talk via VoiP to my Neighbors watching over my house: kphone (aka kppi)
  • Write some notes about the trip: Zeditor and PockeTop IR folding keyboard
  • Keep track of vacation expenses: Hancom Sheet (included on Zaurus)


Related links
· More about SL-6000 News
· News by cvmiller

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New Zaurus Prototype Confirmed!

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